to set up ssh to always be started
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh
to set up remote desktop
sudo apt install xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
to set up a simple web page
sudo mkdir /srv/www
cd /srv/www
sudo vi index.html
test text
to set up simple web server
cd /srv/www
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8006
guac docker
sudo docker pull oznu/guacamole
sudo docker pull oznu/guacamole
mkdir guacconfig
sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /home/subuntu/guacconfig:/config oznu/guacamole
docker container ls -a
sudo docker start <number>
sudo -
docker images
docker container ls -a
sudo docker container prune
docker ps -a to check what is running
rsync -avhr --delete --exclude=".[!.]*" --ignore-existing origin_folder ONE_SHORT_OF_destination_folder
all that plus --dry-run
sudo mount -t drvfs X: /mnt/s -o uid=1000,gid=1000
convert .vmx to .ova
open terminal on Mac
cd /Applications/VMware\\ OVF\ Tool/
./ovftool /Users/<username>/Virtual\ Machines.localized/Ubuntu\ 64-bit\ 18.04.4.vmwarevm/Ubuntu\ 64-bit\ 18.04.4.vmx /Users/<username>/Desktop/ubuntutest.ova
to get the path to the old Vm right, easiest to drag and drop the vmx file into the terminal
how to migrate various forms of vm to proxmox
Note: Most images for this process can be found at:
In Proxmox:
Create a VM
Hit Create VM button
Under General Tab take note of VM ID
Hit Next
Under OS Tab select "Do not use any media"
Under OS Tab ensure correct Guest OS is selected
Hit Next
Under System Tab leave all default
Hit Next
Under Hard Disk Tab leave all default
Hit Next
Under CPU Tab select how many cores to dedicate (2)
Under CPU Tab change CPU type to "host"
Hit Next
Under Memory Tab select amount of RAM (2048)
Hit Next
Under Network Tab leave all default
Hit Next
Under Confirm Tab review selections
Hit Finish
Delete associated disk
Under Datacenter/pve select the newly created VM (VM ID noted earlier)
Under Hardware highlight Hard Disk (scsi0)
Hit the Detach Button
Hard Disk (scsi0) will change to Unused Disk 0
Select Unused Disk 0
Hit the Remove Button
Import .vmdk
Host Machine: Change file extension of VM to import from .vmdk to .iso
Proxmox GUI: Under Datacenter/pve select ISOs (pve)
Select Content Tab
Hit the Upload Button
Choose the VM to import
Hit Upload
Host Machine: Use Terminal/Secure Connection to ssh into Proxmox server
type cd /mnt/pve/ISOs/template/iso/
type cp vm_to_import.iso vm_to_import.vmdk
type qm importdisk (VM ID) (vm_to_import.vmdk) VMs1 -format qcow2
Note: The VM ID comes from the one noted at the beginning of this process, the vm_to_import.vmdk is exactly that, and VMs1 is the storage device in Proxmox allocated for running Vms.
Once completed without errors type rm vm_to_import.*
Convert and Assign .vmdk to VM
Proxmox GUI: Under Datacenter/pve select the same VM (VM ID noted earlier)
Under Hardware highlight Unused Disk 0
Hit the Edit Button
Defaults should be fine. Change to IDE if problems arise.
Hit Add
New VM should be operational.
How to convert various forms of VM to .vmdk:
.vmdk - No action needed. This is the format we want to dump into Proxmox.
.ova -
Change file extension from .ova to .zip
Extract files.
.vmdk file is one of three files extracted.
Note: .ovf file contains system requirements information you can use to match the VM you create in Proxmox with whatever the VM to migrate had before.
warevm - VMWare Fusion does not have a GUI means of completing this task.
Open terminal on Mac
Note: Spaces must be escaped with a back-slash.
type cd /Applications/VMware\\ OVF\ Tool/
Note: For the next step, to get the file path right, right click on the .vmwarevm file and select "View Package Contents", the drag and drop the .vmx file into the terminal.
type ./ovftool /Users/kennethgareis/Virtual\ Machines.localized/Ubuntu\ 64-bit\ 18.04.4.vmwarevm/Ubuntu\ 64-bit\ 18.04.4.vmx /Users/kennethgareis/Desktop/ubuntutest.ova
.VHD - Use WinImage on a Windows machine to convert format.
how to set up a kiwix server
to download the kiwix server, go to:
extract files:
cd Downloads
tar -zxvf kiwix-tools_linux-armhf-3.1.2-4.tar.gz
move files to execute directory:
sudo mv kiwix-tools_linux-armhf-3.1.2-4/* /usr/local/bin
move content files to data directory:
sudo mv wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2020-11.zim /var/local
create the kiwix config file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/kiwix.service
file contents:
Description=Kiwix Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kiwix-serve -mb /var/local/wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2020-11.zim /var/local/second_and_third_etc_files.zim -p 8080
start the service:
sudo systemctl enable kiwix
sudo systemctl start kiwix
access the server via a we browser:
From this site:
Click on the Maginifying glass in the upper right
type “Terminal”
click on the
Copy the text on the following line:
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
Paste the text into Terminal window and press Enter
Restart your computer.